How can film influence or change social attitudes and behaviours, particularly for minority or marginalised groups?
Documentary director Ian Thomson will be talking about what has changed since the release of this film uncovering the taboos around the LGBTQI+ representations in the surfing community at this retrospective screening of the feature documentary ‘Out in the Line-up’.
This special screening for World Pride will take place on the 16th of February at the Manly Gallery.

Film Summary
Two gay surfers unite to uncover the taboo of homosexuality in surfing. Together they embark on a global journey from the east coast of Australia to Hawaii, California, Mexico and the Galapagos Islands to speak with people from all corners of the surfing community about an aspect of surf culture that has largely remained hidden. As their journey unfolds, they uncover a culture of fear, secrecy and exclusion but are inspired to affect change by connecting people, provoking discussion and looking to the sport’s grassroots values of freedom of spirit and love for the ocean.
$16.20 General
$14.58 MAG&M Society members
Includes glass of welcome fizz and nibbles!