Dr Christina Davies is a research fellow at the University of Western Australia whose award-winning research focuses on the intersection of arts and health, health promotion and mental wellbeing. In her own artistic practice, Dr Davies is a painter, jeweller and writer – with a special interest in using art for the sake of connectedness and wellbeing. She has collaborated with Dr Melanie Pescud of the Australian National University to produce a rapid review for VicHealth exploring the role of the arts in improving health awareness, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. Read her summary of the review below, or download the report in full.

Dr Davies at the City of Stirling Art Award & Exhibition
“The arts and creative industries in health promotion” is a recent rapid review commissioned by VicHealth to support delivery of their Arts Strategy for 2019-2023. The review addresses questions related to improving engagement in the arts and utilising the arts to promote health and wellbeing. The focus of the review is on VicHealth’s ‘five imperative areas’: encouraging health eating and physical exercise, reducing tobacco and alcohol use and improving mental wellbeing; and eight priority groups: young people 12-25, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, refugees, people in rural and remote areas, LGBTI people, people with a disability and those who are socially isolated.
Download the report here.